Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolve Not To Have a Resolution.

Yep. That's what I said. Sounds defeating but its not. Making resolutions to change on January 1, now that's defeating. Let me back up. Teaching my class "De-Clutter Your Life," one of the primary principles I stress is making realistic goals. New Years resolutions are not realistic for the majority of us. Think about this. Since approximately Thanksgiving your entire routine has been offset. Kids are out of school, financially stressed,diet is out of control, time off work and maybe even travel are all typical factors in throwing our regular lifestyle and routine down the chimney. Trying to get back to normal and throwing a major life shift on top or that is a recipe for failure. Give yourself a chance to regroup from the holiday chaos and then start your plan of action. Here is what I recommend to my students: 1. Get back to "normal." Finish the overload of laundry, get the decorations put back, get on a sleep schedule, gather a couple paychecks under your belt and put the kids on the bus. 2. By all means plan. This is critical and will prevent loss of motivation. Select a date certain to begin your transformation. Make it at least 2-3 weeks post January 1. Tell everyone you know, circle it on the calendar and set the alarm on your android. Its go time. 3. One thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself with an entire me makeover at one time. Start with one change. Once you start this action plan. Get the calendar back out and schedule the next start date. Make sure it is at least 3-4 weeks before adding anything else to your plate. It takes at least 21 days for a habit or routine to stick. Whatever you choose to take on in 2013, I wish you success and happiness. I will be cheering for you!

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